Please join us while we watch the big game together and complete our Time-Starved Marriage Class during halftime.
Sunday School for every member of your family begins at 9:30. Our preschoolers and children meet in the church classrooms. Our middle/ high school students and adults meet in the elementary school across the street (follow the signs). Sunday Worship Service is at 10:45AM. Our worship is casual and comfortable. In our worship service we hear the reading of scripture, we offer prayer, we sing and we share relevant Biblical messages that offer real hope in a challenging world. We make much of Jesus and seek to love our world. On Wednesday evenings join your neighbors for a free meal at 6:30 (no need to bring anything except your appetite). Our meal is followed by Bible study and prayer.
We gather for Sunday worship at 10:45. Join us at 10:30 for the best donuts in the county!
Howie is a native of Kansas City Kansas. He is a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City Missouri. He served as a youth pastor, associate pastor and lead pastor. He also serves the Basehor Linwood Schools in a variety of capacities, including as an assistant wrestling coach.
In addition to Pastor Howie we have three additional elders who serve our congregation. These men are Al Knapp, Jim Forge and Solomon Douglas, these four men seek to provide caring and encouraging pastoral ministry to our congregation and community.
Worship Coordinator
Amy Benton
Deacon Team
David & Leigh Coffman
Loren & Denise Zody
Robbie & Kasie Robinette
Steve & Karen Henness
Scott Hand
Simply put we exist to know Jesus and make him known. We do this by embracing God's Word as truth and offering a variety of opportunities to explore and experience the Bible in practical and meaningful ways. We value gathered worship where we make much of our God and enjoy him. We are committed to quality age appropriate experiences fo
Simply put we exist to know Jesus and make him known. We do this by embracing God's Word as truth and offering a variety of opportunities to explore and experience the Bible in practical and meaningful ways. We value gathered worship where we make much of our God and enjoy him. We are committed to quality age appropriate experiences for children and youth to enable them as they grow in the truth of the gospel. We believe those who have experienced the grace and love of God should be the most grace giving and loving people in the community. To that end we don't believe we have succeeded as a church unless the lives of the people in our community are better because this church is here. To accomplish this we seek to serve and care for people. This is a place where people are loved. This is place where we seek to know Jesus and make him known.
Our church was begun by a group of brave and compassionate Linwood folks in 1911. For over 100 years this church has served, loved and cared for this community. When everything shut down due to the Covid Pandemic in the Spring of 2020 the remaining members of this church took the bold step to engage in a complete reset of this church a
Our church was begun by a group of brave and compassionate Linwood folks in 1911. For over 100 years this church has served, loved and cared for this community. When everything shut down due to the Covid Pandemic in the Spring of 2020 the remaining members of this church took the bold step to engage in a complete reset of this church and its ministry. Think of it as a total replanting of a new church upon the history and heritage of an old church. The replant began by a brand new affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Kansas Nebraska Convention Of Southern Baptist. The SBC is the largest protestant denomination in North America. With the support and resources of the SBC Linwood Baptist is well positioned to impact our city, county, nation and our world. During the replant Linwood church requested and received support and partnership with five great area churches. Our partner churches include Fellowship West in Bonner Springs, Lenexa Baptist in Lenexa, First Baptist Basehor and West Haven Baptist in Tonganoxie. Finally in the replant process the church called Howie to be our replanting pastor. After more than 100 years of ministry Linwood Baptist is grateful for our heritage and eager to embrace a new and bright future. We'd be honored to have you join us on this journey.
205 3rd Street, Linwood, Kansas 66052
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